Movie Night at Tel Aviv Museum of Art / The Museum | Dir. Ran Tal (2017)
The Museum is delighted to launch a new series of events linking its ongoing exhibitions with movies from Israel and abroad. Once a month, we will screen a movie relating to a prominent exhibition, and a short lecture by either a curator of the exhibition or one of its featured artists.
The series program is linked to the exhibition program; we recommend visiting the exhibition before viewing the movie!
The Museum | Dir. Ran Tal
74 minutes, Hebrew and English with Hebrew subtitles
A stunning and touching documentary collage that takes us on a fascinating and amusing tour behind the scenes of one of Israel’s most important cultural institutions: the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Against a background of inspirational masterpieces, the film exposes the museum’s beating heart: the people and the bustling activities under the galleries, in the storerooms, the laboratories and around the conference table. With a trenchant, ironic eye, the film invites us to follow the visitors, observe the observers, and listen to the speakers: the American museum director, the guard who is also a cantor, the kashrut inspector, the Palestinian guide and the blind visitor – they all make up a touching and varied puzzle of the museum staff and Israeli society.
We recommend visiting the exhibition The Last Photograph: Ran Tal After Micha Bar-Am before viewing the movie
After the movie there will be a short lecture by Dir. Ran Tal
Spaces are limited.
Participation in the encounter includes entrance ticket to the Museum.
Movie Night — additional encounters:
8/12 Encounter at the Exhibition “Shira Zelwer: Gathering of Birds” / “Igor & the Cranes’ Journey" | dir. Evgeny Ruman >
12/1 Encounter at the Exhibition “A History of Beauty: Helena Rubinstein’s Miniature Rooms” / “The Powder & the Glory | dir. Ann Carol Grossman & Arnie Reisman >