Movie Night at Tel Aviv Museum of Art / The Powder & the Glory | dir. Ann Carol Grossman & Arnie Reisman (2007)
The Museum is delighted to launch a new series of events linking its ongoing exhibitions with movies from Israel and abroad. Once a month, we will screen a movie relating to a prominent exhibition, preceded by an introductory lecture by either a curator of the exhibition or one of its featured artists.
The series program is linked to the exhibition program; we recommend visiting the exhibition before viewing the movie!
The Powder & the Glory | dir. Ann Carol Grossman & Arnie Reisman (2007)
86 minutes, English with Hebrew subtitles
The story of two pioneering successful businesswomen in the USA – Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden. These two penniless immigrants single-handedly founded the modern cosmetics industry. Although they lived only a few blocks from each other, they never met. Their rivalry fostered their creativity and led them each to great success. Their names were widely known and their rival companies defined the beauty industry and, in many ways, created the image of the new woman of the 1920s. When they first set out, make up was used mostly by sex workers and actors, and cosmetics was a business run by men. They changed all that, and along the way changed society itself. An inspiring tale of persistence, honest creativity and relentless ingenuity.
We recommend visiting the exhibition A History of Beauty: Helena Rubinstein’s Miniature Rooms before viewing the movie
The movie is preceded by a short lecture by Galit Landau-Epstein, curator of the exhibition
Spaces are limited.
Participation in the encounter includes entrance ticket to the Museum.
Movie Night — additional encounters:
8/12 Encounter at the Exhibition “Shira Zelwer: Gathering of Birds” / “Igor & the Cranes’ Journey" | dir. Evgeny Ruman >