Movie Night at Tel Aviv Museum of Art / Igor & the Cranes’ Journey | dir. Evgeny Ruman (2012)
The Museum is delighted to launch a new series of events linking its ongoing exhibitions with movies from Israel and abroad. Once a month, we will screen a movie relating to a prominent exhibition, preceded by an introductory lecture by either a curator of the exhibition or one of its featured artists.
The series program is linked to the exhibition program; we recommend visiting the exhibition before viewing the movie!
Igor & the Cranes’ Journey | dir. Evgeny Ruman (2012)
90 minutes, Russian and Hebrew with Hebrew subtitles
In an ornithological center in Siberia, where thousands of cranes nest, Tanya’s ex-husband, the center’s director, waives his paternal rights over 2-year-old Igor. Twelve years later, Tanya decides to immigrate to Israel with her son, now 14 years old. Igor is fiercely opposed to the move. He meets with his father, who introduces him to the world of bird watching and suggest that his son track cranes making their way from Siberia to Africa via Israel. Igor and his mother immigrate to Israel, where Igor feels alienated and finds refuge in tracking cranes and making delicate sketches of their journey. Igor slowly finds his place, adapts to his new life and finds a way to connect with his mother, as well as with his father in the distant center in Siberia.
We recommend visiting the exhibition Shira Zelwer: Gathering of Birds before viewing the movie
The movie is preceded by a short lecture by Shira Zelwer
Spaces are limited.
Participation in the encounter includes entrance ticket to the Museum.
Movie Night — additional encounters:
12/1 Encounter at the Exhibition “A History of Beauty: Helena Rubinstein’s Miniature Rooms” / “The Powder & the Glory | dir. Ann Carol Grossman & Arnie Reisman >