A Land for Everything, a Land for Everyone / Unique encounters following the exhibition Dissensus: Legislation, Planning, Architecture (in Hebrew)
Who owns this land? How does the history of settlement in Eretz Israel shape its future? Is our shared future one of separation and partition or should we endorse a model of collaboration and incorporation?
Dr. Ronit Levine-Schnur, the exhibition’s scientific advisor, lawyer and city planner specializing in the field of property, planning and building. Senior Lecturer at the Harry Radzyner Law School and fellow at the Gazit Globe Real Estate Institute at Reichman University, Herzliya.
Jewish Colonization and British Colonialism
Prof. Ran Aharonson, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Geography at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. On processes of change and renewal in Eretz Israel in the early stages of Jewish settlement, and the perception of Zionist settlement as colonization, not colonialism
Dr. Yael Berda, Lawyer and Assistant Professor at the Department for Sociology and Anthropology at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem and Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs in Cambridge, MA.
On the bureaucratic legacy of the British Empire and colonial “administrative memory” Conditions and Models for Future Solutions
Dr. Manal Totry-Jubran, Senior Lecturer at the Law Faculty, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan and Social Rights activist.
On the emergence of the Israeli space, on the ways in which legal regulations led to the appropriation of Arab rights over the space, and on the influence of mixed cities on collective rights
Dr. Chagai Vinizky, Senior Lecturer at the Academic Center for Law and Science, Hod Hasharon and Head of the Begin Institute for Law and Zionism, among the initiators of the Jewish nation-state bill
On future solutions for the Israeli-Arab conflict
Spaces are limited.
Participation in the encounter includes entrance ticket to the Museum (not including the exhibition Yayoi Kusama: A Retrospective)
Daphna Levine, Meirav Aharon-Gutman, Shai Sussman, Rising Towers, Falling Cities, 2021
Image: Amit Sadik