Emergency as Strategy / Unique encounters following the exhibition Dissensus: Legislation, Planning, Architecture (in Hebrew)
Rising Towers, Falling Cities
Arch. Daphna Levine, Doctoral Candidate at the Faculty for Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, and former Head of the Dept for Strategic Planning, Bat Yam Municipality. On the opposite forces acting in society and in the urban space of Bat Yam in processes of urban renewal.
Cities of the Future
Arch. Oded Kutok, Founder and Head of the Office for Multidisciplinary Planning and Senior Lecturer at Shenkar Collage, Ramat Gan. On the construction of new neighborhoods in Israel – cities shaped by bureaucratic formalism.
Rishumon: Sketches from the Life of an Urban Planner
Arch. Ran Baram, VP of the Unit for Strategic Planning, Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality Engineering Administration. On the everyday dilemmas and problems facing the urban planner.
A Weaponized Household: The MAMAD as Legal and Architectural Securitization
Arch. Ido Tsarfati, holds an MA from the Center for Research Architecture at Goldsmith University of London. On the apartment security room as a factor forming residential architecture in Israel, and its links to security considerations and financial interests.
Spaces are limited.
From: Cities of the Future, Shira Rotkopf, Oded Kutok. photograph: Shira Rotkopf