Legislation, Inequality and Blindness / Unique encounters following the exhibition Dissensus: Legislation, Planning, Architecture (in Hebrew)
Planning in Saturated Polarities
Kassem Slalha, Director of the Geo-Spatial Mapping and Information Dept, Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality, oversees decoding aerial photographs and 3D modeling as a basis for urban planning in the city. On the contrast between the challenges of planning in Beit Jann versus Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
Shahar Solar, Deputy for Strategic Planning, the Israel Planning Administration. On comprehensive processes such as the 2040 strategic program, readiness for climate change, promotion of urbanity and public participation.
Ori Ilan, Head of the Northern Regional Committee for Planning and Building. On the planning challenges and achievements in the Arab and Druze societies since 2015. And on the strategic plan for the north considering the country’s dramatic population growth.
Dr. Kais Nasser, a lawyer, specializing in property, planning and building, public law and human rights, on the faults of planning for the Arab society and on the lack of trust between the residents and the planning committees.
Spaces are limited.
Qassem Salalha, Avital Marmelstein, Planning in Saturated Polarities, 2021, Graphic Design: Oleg Fedorkov