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DIRT / Clipa Theater

DIRT Creates
DIRT Destroys
DIRT Unites
DIRT is One

Pottery and Contortion comprise a show examining “GOD” by challenging the limits of body and belief. Jonathan Nosan- performer, potter and contortionist, presents with phenomenal elasticity, a new stream of thought requiring flexible thinking. Moulding his body as if made of wet clay, Nosan’s positions and perspectives take stage as if sculpted by the hands of the divine craftsman.

The show, created in the hybrid form of Performance Lecture, contains 5 chapters. Each chapter, with a unique movement vocabulary, examines different ways to interact and create a space and relationship to “GOD.” Our sensitivity sharpens as Nosan provides us with new tools to define our existence and the concept of belief. His physical refinement as a contortionist and creativity as a potter culminates in a union of near holiness between body and clay, artist and audience. 

Jonathan Nosan is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley in Japanese History and Fulbright Scholar to Japan in Design of Sacred.

The show is presented in English.
No Nudity in the show.
Duration of the Performance: 60 min

Space Creator and performer: Jonathan Nosan Artistic Guidance: Idit Herman Costume Design: Yas Studio TLV ⁠Wood Prop Design: Gili Godiano ⁠Photo: Lior Horesh

Image: Lior Horesh