Beit Avi Chai — Dreaming in the Museum / following the exhibition Imagine a Museum (or: The Remembering Body) (Hebrew)
Participants Rabbi Mishael Zion, Dr. Ruth Calderon, poet Amichai Chasson and singerartist Alma Zohar
Pharaoh dreamt of cows coming out of the Nile, the Talmudic scholar Rava saw his teeth falling out in a terrible dream, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov had a Kafkaesque nightmare and Agi Mishol dreamed she was pushing a baby carriage with Stephen Hawking in it. Are these empty dreams? Should they instill fright? How, indeed, should dreams be interpreted? Beit Avi Chai arrives at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art from Jerusalem, for a Midrashic study circle that dives into the unconscious, shifts between classical Jewish texts, modern Hebrew poetry and Israeli music, and conducts a study and a ritual of “improvement of a dream.”
Duration: About 120 min.
Note: This event is in Hebrew only.
Limited space available.
Advance registration at the Museum website,or on a firstcome, first-served basis.